Monday, June 04, 2001

I do like my friend Richard, but his taste in music is dreadful. I © the 80s as much as anyone. But not as much as Richard, clearly. He lent me a couple of CDs this weekend. The first, An Electronic Tribute To The 80s, is simply lame - covers of eighties classix done in a slightly more modern stylee. The second album is so bad, so hysterically bad, it's great. Trance League Express contains trance covers of Human League songs performed by such outfits as Arcane Passage, Maggots From Mars and Bønehead. Regulars at the pop quiz should be aware that these two CDs may make an appearance when I get round to being guest compiler. In the meantime, they will continue to brighten up my morning commute, as I play spot that godawful cover.

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